Friday, August 10, 2012

SBF Youth Camp Day 4 Slideshow and Reflections

Hey guys!

Here is the last post from the Saved by Faith Youth Camp 2012. Below is a slideshow of the days events including Brother Bills message in the morning, games, belly flop contest, and shaving of Bill's hair.

As for a quick update on my pinky, I got x-rayed on Monday when I was back and heard from the radiologist yesterday that nothing is broken. Praise the lord. Its still pretty sore and needs some stretching but it should be fine.

Today is exactly one week from the last day at camp, which now feels like a very long time ago. Settled into a routine? I'm fighting for one now. A quick note, brother Tom's message on the importance of the church really resonated with me as many people are using more online and non-traditional content to be encouraged with the truth. As a result, I could see the myriads unintentionally and unknowingly devaluing the importance of meeting up with one another as stated in Hebrews 10:25 for encouragement and edification. As stated (by Brother Tom), their are no rogue Christians and the vehicle by which the gospel goes forth is the church. If you love Christ, love what he loves. He loved the church and gave himself for her. It is his bride.

Lastly, Brother Tom's closing remarks on the resurrection was excellent. He began with the idea of Copernicus and the effect it had of the society and culture of the time because of the paradigm shift. However, a shift that is even more important is the concept of the gospel, especially the idea of the resurrection. If Christ is raised from the dead, he has victory over the biggest stumbling block (to living for God, living by faith, etc) - death. Again and again, Paul's exhortation is that we united in Christ, his death and resurrection (Col 3, Roms 6). To me the natural question is, if we believe this is true, why aren't we sold out?

Guys, its been great. I am excited for next year, but I'm more excited for today. It is the Lords day. I've wrote enough. Check the video below and send it around. All the photos of your churches are below:

SBFYC - Mini Josh 2012

This is a great video from this years SBFYC skit from Josh Ascol. Hope you can enjoy!

Mini Josh 2012 from Vinh Duong on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 1 - SBFYC 2012

Here are a few of the photos from the first day of camp. It was good to see the campers participating in the festivities, ice breakers, and preparing for the messages.  All of the camp photos so far are uploaded HERE. If you are interested in following the messages and workshops - you can join us by clicking this LINK.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saved By Faith Youth Camp - Missouri

Last year I had the privilege to sit under some powerful teaching at the 25th Anniversary SBFYC in Missouri.  I'm heading out tomorrow for this years 2012 camp and will do my best to reflect on the great messages from this years theme "Becoming Men of Valor and Women of Virtue" and post up some photos of each days events.  You can view all of the photos HERE under the SBFYC 2012 link. Hope you guys enjoy!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Joe and Ruth Mayo 50th Wedding Anniversary

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to take photos for Joe and Ruth Mayo for their 50th Wedding Anniversary.  It was pretty awesome getting to hear their story and step back in time with their  family and friends.  Overall, there was a formal side and a redneck side and decorations made to reflect what their wedding was like fifty years ago.  Apparently, RC Cola and moon pies were all the rage.  What I also learned was the fact that this family loved to laugh and enjoy what the Lord has given them.  With guest who were present on their original wedding day and children (and grand children and great grand children), this was a great time to celebrate what was really important - their commitment to one another before God.  Fifty years is a long time and it was encouraging to hear how they've faced certain challenges and overcame various odds to still remain together.  In the end, it really is the sustaining power of God above and that commitment they made before him fifty years earlier.  Here are a few of my favorite photos!


Layton Family Portraits

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Advanced Eye Care: Staff Photos

A few weeks ago I took some staff photos for Advanced Eye Care here in Homewood, AL.  I had a chance to use my flashes in this setting and really liked how the photos turned out even though there were multiple mirrors, glasses, and reflective material.  This is definitely a place you need to check out.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Carver Family Photos 2012

Here are a few photos from my time with the Carvers.  The weather was really nice and people were definitely out and about. It made for a challenging day to make sure people were out of the shot but I was up for it.  Hope you guys enjoy!