Saturday, June 30, 2012

Joe and Ruth Mayo 50th Wedding Anniversary

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to take photos for Joe and Ruth Mayo for their 50th Wedding Anniversary.  It was pretty awesome getting to hear their story and step back in time with their  family and friends.  Overall, there was a formal side and a redneck side and decorations made to reflect what their wedding was like fifty years ago.  Apparently, RC Cola and moon pies were all the rage.  What I also learned was the fact that this family loved to laugh and enjoy what the Lord has given them.  With guest who were present on their original wedding day and children (and grand children and great grand children), this was a great time to celebrate what was really important - their commitment to one another before God.  Fifty years is a long time and it was encouraging to hear how they've faced certain challenges and overcame various odds to still remain together.  In the end, it really is the sustaining power of God above and that commitment they made before him fifty years earlier.  Here are a few of my favorite photos!


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