Friday, June 21, 2013

Hawaii Slideshow - DSLR and iPhone 5 Photos

Last night I watched a documentary by Ken Burns on National Parks and got inspired. I put all the photos from Hawaii, both DSLR and iPhone, into a video slideshow.  While compiling the slideshow, reminiscing about Hawaii, I began wishing I had taken more photos on my DSLR.  Ah, but the iPhone is so convenient.  I can't leave home without it, I need a phone in case of an emergency, and it has a decent camera.  Hawaii isn't necessarily "DSLR friendly."  There is the beach and sand.  There is hiking and dirt and probably rain (gasp).  There are the thousands of tourist.  The tourists that kick sand when they walk on the beach.  DSLRs are bulky.  They aren't always fun to carry around.

Anyways, this is my last post about Hawaii and I hope you enjoy. I hope to one day return but I am really enjoying my time back in Birmingham, AL.  As my mother always said, home is where you hang your heart.  Currently, my heart is deep in the south, where days are scorching and you can feel the humidity against your face. I think it's time for nap.

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